вторник, 27 ноября 2018 г.

Exercises for the 3d year students

Subjunctive mood упражнения
                           Complete the sentences. Here we have only real conditions.
  1. If you want to be always healthy … .
  2. You will have to consult the doctor if … .
  3. If you have a running nose … .
  4. You will escape the complications after a disease if … .
  5. The doctor will surely write you a prescription if … .
  6. The doctor will pull out your tooth if … .
  7. Her headache won’t stop if … .
  8. You will be coughing and sneezing constantly if … .
  9. She won’t be able to continue her career if … .
  10. If you don’t cure your throat …
  11. If you don’t take any preventive measures … .
                                   Open the brackets where necessary and complete the sentences.
  1. If you (to take) the drops now you (feel) much better even tomorrow.
  2. Your heart and lungs (to work) better if you (to live) a healthier life.
  3. If you didn’t consult a doctor … .
  4. You wouldn’t cough and sneeze now if … .
  5. If she took the pills for her sore throat … .
  6. You would be fit as a fiddle now if … .
  7. If you consulted the ENT doctor regularly … .
  8. You wouldn’t wear your glasses now if … .
  9. “I don’t believe you. If everything you tell about your grandmother (to be) truth she (to consult) a neuropathologist!”
  10. You would do morning exercises regularly if … .
  11. If you really were quite well now … .
  12. She wouldn’t suffer from a disease so badly now if … .
  13. If you wanted to escape any side effects of the medicine … .

                                  Use the right forms of the verbs
1) If she (give) us more grammar drills, we (know) English better.
2) If they (not arrive) at the airport so late yesterday, they (be) in Moscow today.
3) If Peter (not cheat) at his test, he (not get) a bad mark. But he did!
4) If Spanish ( be ) my native language, I (understand) this song.
5) The children (go) to the forest last Sunday, if the weather (not be) rotten that day.
6) My father (become) a sportsman if he (not break) his leg in his youth.
7) It’s raining heavily. I wish the weather (be) fine.
8) I spent the whole evening alone. I wish my friend (come).
II. Make up your sentences in the Subjunctive.
1) They didn’t catch the train and came late. If…….
2) He is ill-mannered. That’s why he has no friends. If…….
3) The horror film was awful. It gave me the creeps. If…….
4) Steve drives dangerously. I won’t go with him. If…….

Translate the sentences.
1) Если бы не сильный ветер, мы бы сейчас пошли на море.
2) Я бы не приняла этого важного решения, если бы не папина помощь.
3) Если бы не привкус лука, я бы попробовал это блюдо.
4) Если бы не новое расписание, она бы не пропустила урок английского языка в прошлую пятницу.

Use the right forms of the verbs

1) What a nice dress! I wish I (have) enough money to buy it.
2) If she (give) us advice, we (follow) it with pleasure.
3) If they (not come) to school so late yesterday, they (not be punished) today
4) If Peter (not help) me with my test, I (not get) a good mark. But he did!
5) If French (be) my native language, I (understand) this article.
6) The children (go) to the Zoo last Sunday, if the weather (not be) rainy that day.
7) Steve (become) a surgeon in his youth if he (not be) afraid of blood.
8) I spent the whole evening alone. I wish my friend (phone).me

 Make up your sentences in the Subjunctive.

1) The shop assistant was very rude and we didn’t buy anything. If…….
2) She is so kind That’s why s he has a lot of friends. If…….
3) The detective story was  horrible It gave me the creeps. If…….
4) Yesterday I had a terrible head-ache and I forgot about granny s birthday. If…….

8 комментариев:

  1. Добрый вечер, в упражнении на перевод с русского на английский в 4 предложении нужно использовать subjunctive в прошедшем?

    1. Добрый вечер, да, там прошедшее время, так как указано- прошлая пятница

  2. Здравствуйте, а в упражнение на перевод можно ли так перевести 1 предложение If there wasn't the strong wind, we would go to the sea now.?

  3. Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста, правильно ли я использовала глаголы - If Peter didn't cheat at his test, he wouldn't get a bad mark. But he did! ( упр.3(предл-е 3))?

    1. Здравствуйте. Там в предложении прошедшее время, а для прошедшего времени существуют другие формы в поступательном наполнении.. А вы употребили формы настоящего или будущего времени.

  4. Здравствуйте, можно ли в 3 предложении последнего упражнения написать if story were less horrible, people would treat it not so seriously?

    1. Здравствуйте. Во первых, the story, во вторых там прошедшее время, есть yesterday, поэтому то, что вы написали не соответствует прошедедшему времени.
