суббота, 6 января 2018 г.

2nd year students, text for home-reading

A Traveller’s Tale
In the autumn of 1935, when I was a young man, I was traveling in the north-west of India. One evening, after hunting in the forest all day, I was returning alone to the place where I had put up my tent. It was getting dark, and I was walking along a narrow path. On my right was a wide river; on my left, a thick, dark forest. Suddenly I saw two green eyes looking at me from among the trees. A man-eating tiger was getting ready to jump on me.
What could I do? Should I jump into the river and hope to save my life by swimming? I looked to the right. In the river there was an immense crocodile waiting to welcome me with its mouth wide open.
I was so frightened that I shut my eyes. I heard branches moving as the tiger jumped. I opened my eyes. What do you think had happened? The tiger had jumped right over me and was now in the jaws of the crocodile. That’s a true story, believe it or not!

  1. north  [nɔːθ] - north
  2. south  [saʊθ] - south
  3. west  [wɛst] - west
  4. east  [iːst] - east
  5. north-west  [ˌnɔːθwɛst] - north-west
  6. north-east  - north-east
  7. south-west  [ˌsaʊθwɛst] - south-west
  8. south-east  [ˌsaʊθiːst] - south-east
  9. hunt  [hʌnt] - hunting; hunt
    after hunting - after the hunt
  10. forest  [fɒrɪst] - forest
  11. return  [rɪtɜːn] - return
  12. alone  [ələʊn] - one; alone
  13. put (put, put) up  - put (tent), erect (building)
  14. tent  - tent
  15. It's getting dark. 
     - It's getting dark. / It's getting dark.
  16. narrow  [nærəʊ] - narrow
  17. wide  [waɪd] - wide
    a mouth wide open - wide open mouth
  18. path  [pɑːθ] - path
  19. on my right  - to my right
  20. on my left  - to my left
  21. among  [əmʌŋ] - among, between
  22. get (got, got) ready  - get ready
  23. jump  [dʒʌmp] - jump; jump
  24. should  [ʃʋd] - should
  25. hope  [həʊp] - hope; hope
  26. save  [seɪv] - save
  27. immense  [ɪmɛns] - a huge
  28. welcome  [wɛlkəm] - greeting; cordial welcome; desired; to greet
  29. frighten  [fraɪtn] - scaring
  30. frightened  [fraɪtnd] - scared
  31. shut (shut, shut)  [ʃʌt] - close
    Shut up! - Shut up! Shut up! (rough).
    He shut the door. He closed the door.
    The box shut easily. - The drawer easily closed.
  32. branch  [brɑːntʃ] - branch, branch (tree); industry
  33. happen  [hæpən] - happen, happen
    What has happened? - What happened?
  34. jaw  [dʒɔː] - jaw
  35. jaws  - mouth, mouth
  36. believe  [bɪliːv] - believe
    Believe it. "Believe it."
    Believe it or not. - Believe it or not.
  37. true  [truː] - true, true
  38. right here  - right / right here
  39. right over me  - right through me

For the 2 nd course, text for reading

One on the house
A short story of the American writer-humorist Corey Ford about the policeman and robber "At the expense of the institution."

By Corey "Ford

“It was good to find a friend at that lonely hour…”

“Give us a drink of orangeade”.
The man behind the counter slammed the drawer of the cash register, shut and whirled in surprise: “Eh?”
“One orangeade”, repeated the newcomer calmly, sliding a coin across the damp counter.
“Yes. Coming up.” His hand slowly left his hippocket, and the colour flooded back into his face. He flung open the metal cover, and emptied a scoopful of orange liquid into a tall tumbler. “Wait till I put a pip to show it’s real.”
“Thanks. Your clock right, there?”
“Yes — just on five.”
“Broadway and Forty-fourth is a pretty empty corner this time of the morning,” mused the stranger, sipping his drink slowly. “Just before dawn.”
“Yes, when they turn all the streets lamps out.” His eyes searched the face of the newcomer across the counter. “By the way –have I seen you around here before?”
“Don’t know — have you?”
“I mean, I wondered if you came here very often.”
“Not very.” He prodded the coin with his forefinger. “Here.”
“No. Keep it. That drink was on the house.”
“Aren’t afraid someone will spot you? For all you know I might be checking… ”
“Huh! You wouldn’t be wandering around this time of night. It’s early in the evening — and later when the theatre crowd is out — that they keep an eye on you. This time of night nobody ever comes around. I know.”
“Tough hours, haven’t you?” He twisted the tumbler between his fingers.
“I’ll say. From eight p.m. to eight a.m. And does that sun look good in the morning! And does the evening drag out! Work like a slave all during the theatre rush, and then again at the intervals, and again when the shows are out. At about twelve o’clock the crowd starts thinning out, and after that all you get is the odd drunk or a tramp of some sort. Then when you’re tired out, you got to spend the rest of the night with nothing to do, and believe me each hour seems about four hours long.”
“I should think there’d be a good chance of someone sticking you up.”
“Huh?” — darting a quick look at the other’s face. “You ever been in a hold-up?”
“Only once” — shaking his head. “But that was enough. Some fella comes in and start talking, same you’re talking to me now. I didn’t notice him particularly. He buys a drink and slides me the money across the counter, and I turn to open the drawer of the cash register. Well, all of a sudden he hauls out a rod and tells me to stick them up.”
“What did you do?”
“What did I do? Say, it wasn’t my money! I just stuck both mitts as high in the air as I could reach, and told him to take the whole block away if he wanted to. So he grabbed all there was in the open drawer, stuck a gag in my mouth. tied me up and left me under the counter. Neatest thing you ever…”
“You would not know him again?”
“I don’t know. He was about my height, and he had dark hair something like me. Of course I was pretty scared and I couldn’t”
“That’s him’ all right. That was Joe Mallan.” The newcomer grinned and held out his hand. “That’s the bird I’m after. I’m a plain-clothes man, buddy. There’s been so many stick-ups with the firm lately that the lieutenant detailed me to make the rounds.”
“Why!” the face of the man behind the counter broke into a delighted smile. “That certainly was on me, all right. I thought you wasnbsp;— was a burglar!”
The visitor set down the empty glass and wiped his lips with the back of his hand.
“Well, I guess I better be pushing along. Thanks for the drink. Goodnight.”
“That’s all right. That was on the house.”
The man behind the counter continued to nod pleasantly as the plain-clothes man ambled along the road and disappeared around the next corner. The smile vanished. He stooped swiftly, tightened the gag in the mouth of a roped and bound figure that lay under the counter, then rose again and glanced cautiously up and down the street.
“Yes.” He vaulted the counter silently. “One on the house,” he murmured.

Notes | Notes
1.     One on the house  - Treat at the expense of the institution. (One drink at the expense of the institution)
2.     On me.  - At my expense.
3.     Coming up  - Now, I'm coming.
4.     For all you know  - How do you know.
5.     fella = fellow  - guy
6.     There are so many stick-ups with this firm  - This gang has committed so many robberies.
7.     the keep an eye to on by somebody  - watch out for anyone
8.     of the back with one's hand's  - back of hand
9.     to  burst into a delighted smile
10.                       when shows are out  - when entertainment events are closed

1.     lonely  [ləʊnlɪ] - lonely, languishing with loneliness, deserted
2.     drink (n) - drink
3.     orangeade  [ˌɒrɪndʒeɪd] - orangeade, lemonade
4.     counter  - counter, rack
5.     slam   - slamming; slam, slam
to slam the door - slam the door
6.     drawer  [drɔːə] - drawer
7.     register cash  - cash register
8.     whirl  [(h) wɜːl] - whirling, turmoil; twirl
9.     newcomer  [njuːˌkʌmə] - the newcomer; newbie
10.                       slide (slid)  - slide, slip; slip
to the coin
11.                       damp  [dæmp] - moist, moist; dampness; dejected state of mind
12.                       hippocket  - thigh pocket ( hip  - hip)
13.                       flood  [flʌd] - flood, tide; flood
14.                       fling  [flɪŋ]  (flung, flung)  - throw, throw (s); swift
15.                       fling open  - flip open . open wide
16.                       empty  [ɛmptɪ] - empty; emptying
17.                       scoopful  - full scoop
18.                       scoop  [skuːp] - scoop, shovel, scoop; scoop
19.                       tumbler [tʌmblə] - a tall glass. wineglass; acrobat; tumbler ( tumble  - tumble, tumble, tumble)
20.                       pip  -bone
21.                       pretty  [prɪtɪ] - 1. Pretty, pretty; 2. significant, fair 3. satisfied, pretty much

a pretty empty corner - quite a deserted place
22.                       muse  [mjuːz] - muse; thoughtfulness; reflection; ponder
23.                       sip  - sip (drink), sip; a small sip
to sip a drink slowly - slowly sip a drink
24.                       dawn  - dawn
25.                       lamp  - lamp, lamp, lantern; illumine
26.                       prod   - poking; awl; prick, pierce; nudge
27.                       forefinger  [fɔːˌfɪŋɡə] - index finger
28.                       Keep it.  - (here) Leave the change to yourself.
29.                       the house on  - on the house
30.                       on me  - at my expense
31.                       spot  - spot; pimple; tarnish; identify, identify; know, notice
32.                       check (v) - check
33.                       wander  [wɒndə]  around  - wander around, wander around here
34.                       the keep (Kept) an eye on by somebody  - watch out for anyone
35.                       tough  [tʌf] - stiff, unbending; stiff; difficult
36.                       twist — вертеть
37.                       drag  - drag, drag, drag
38.                       slave  is a slave
39.                       rush  - rush
40.                       interval  [ɪntəvəl] - interval, interval; pause; intermission
41.                       thin out — редеть
His hair are thinning out.
42.                       odd  - odd, unpaired; strange, eccentric; random
43.                       drunk  is a drunkard
44.                       tramp  - tramp
45.                       of some sort  - of the same kind, in the same spirit
46.                       stickup  - plague, robbery
47.                       stick up  - 1. stand out, stand upright; set up 2. stop with the purpose of robbery, stick out ( stick out  -stick, stick, stuck, stuck  - stick, stick, stick, stick )
to stick up the bank - rob the bank 
Stick up your hands! - Hands up!
48.                       dart  - an arrow, a dart; throwing; throw
49.                       hold-up   - raid, robbery; delay
50.                       hold (held) up  - delay; rob
He was held up by the immigration authorities . 
"He was detained by the immigration authorities."
51.                       particularly  [pətɪkjələlɪ] - especially, in particular; in a special way
52.                       all of a sudden  - all of a sudden
53.                       haul  [hɔːl] - pull, drag, drag; tow
out haul out
54.                       rod  - iron rod; wand; revolver
55.                       hold (held) out  - stretch
to hold out one's hand - reach out
56.                       grab   - grab, grab
57.                       gag  [ɡæɡ] - 1. gag, gag 2. plug-in comic number; gag; improvisation
58.                       tie  - bind
59.                       neat  [niːt] - 1. clean, neat, neat 2. skillful, deftly made
60.                       scare  [skɛə] - sudden fright, panic; frighten
61.                       grin   - grin of teeth, grin; grin
62.                       mitt  [mɪt] - hand, fist; boxing glove
63.                       to be after smb  - to search, search for someone; follow one's footsteps
64.                       plain-clothes man  - detective, bacon; dressed policeman
65.                       buddy  [bʌdɪ] - buddy, buddy
66.                       detail  [diːteɪl] - 1. item; to tell in detail 2. the detachment, the attire; assign
68.                       make (made) the rounds  - bypass
69.                       burglar  [bɜːɡlə] - robber, thief-burglar
70.                       set (set) down  - put; defer
71.                       wipe  - wipe
72.                       push  - push, push; advance
73.                       nod  - the nod of the head; to nod (in agreement); nap
74.                       amble  [æmbl] - go with amble; amble; amble
75.                       disappear  [ˌdɪsəpɪə] - disappear; hide, disappear ( appear  [əpɪə] - appear)
76.                       vanish  [vænɪʃ] - disappear, disappear
77.                       stoop  [stuːp] - bend over, stoop
78.                       swift  - 1. fast, fast 2. swift ( swallow  - swallow, swallow, gluttony, swallow)
79.                       swiftly   - quickly, hastily
80.                       tighten  [taɪtən] - tighten, compact
81.                       rope  - a rope; cord
82.                       bound  [baʊnd] - 1. bound 2. obligated, forced, mandatory 3. guided, ready to sail ( bind  [baɪnd] - bind, tie)
He is bound to win. "He will definitely win." 
The ship is bound to London. 
"The ship is heading for London."
83.                       glance  <[ɡlɑːns] - 1. glance 2. glitter, shine 3. take a look (glimpse, fluently); glitter, flash, glide
swift glance - quick look
84.                       cautiously  - with caution
85.                       vault  [vɔːlt] - 1. build the vault; jump 2. pole vault
He vaulted the counter silently.
"He quietly swung over the bar.
86.                       murmur  [mɜːmə] - 1. murmur, whisper 2. murmur, whisper